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Tuesday, December 27, 2011



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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Motivation Seminar by Mr Koji Ikematsu

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单单国内企业产权就逾46亿 瑞士组织抨泰益建贪腐王国

砂拉越首席部长泰益玛目富可敌国的财富再次受到瞩目和质疑。瑞士布鲁诺曼瑟基金会(Bruno Manser Fund)揭露,泰益家族单单在大马就拥有逾46亿令吉的企业产权。



美郵政削減成本 裁員兼關閉郵局

美郵政削減成本 裁員兼關閉郵局

06/12/2011 13:16



07/12/2011 10:29

Monday, November 21, 2011



Sunday, November 13, 2011




Monday, October 10, 2011

男性常吃魚或可防糖尿病 ?





英國《每日郵報》報導,近日一項研究發現,吃東西速度快的人,罹患葡萄糖耐受不良症(impairedglucose tolerance, IGT)的風險是其他人的2倍。其他飲食習慣,像是吃點心或半夜吃東西,並不會升高相關風險。

Special Year End Plan Promotion

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Antioxidants for healthier skin

Antioxidants for healthier skin

The antioxidants beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, selenium, vitamin E and zeaxanthin improved skin health in two new studies. Researchers divided 39 volunteers with healthy, normal type 2 skin—fair skin that burns easily and tans minimally—into three groups. The first group took 4.8 mg of beta carotene, 3 mg of lutein, 3 mg of lycopene, 75 mcg of selenium and 10 mg of vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) per day. The second group took no lutein, 6 mg of lycopene and the same dosages of the other three supplements per day. The third group took a placebo.
After 12 weeks, while the placebo group had not improved, both supplement groups had higher blood-fluid (serum) levels of antioxidants, thicker, denser skin as measured by ultrasound, and less rough and scaly skin, which doctors measured using ultraviolet light.
The Journal of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology will also publish new findings later in 2007 from the University of Naples, Italy, where researchers studied the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin on female subjects aged 25 to 50. Subjects took an oral supplement of 5 mg of lutein and 0.2 mg of zeaxanthin twice per day for a daily total of 10 mg of lutein and 0.4 mg of zeaxanthin. The women also applied a treatment to the surface of the skin (topical) that contained 50 parts-per-million (ppm) lutein and 2 ppm zeaxanthin per day, supplying 50 mcg of lutein and 2 mcg of zeaxanthin per gram of topical treatment.
Every two weeks for 12 weeks, researchers measured skin moisture (hydration), ability to maintain size and shape (elasticity),protective fat layer (superficial skin lipids) and cell membrane damage (lipid peroxidation), and found that compared to placebo those who had taken lutein and zeaxanthin orally, topically, alone or together, had significantly improved in each measure. The oral-topical combination group averaged 60% greater hydration, 20% better elasticity, 50% more lipid protection and 64% less cell damage.

Beta-carotene and carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin keep the brain healthy

Beta-carotene and carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin keep the brain healthy

Antioxidants may help keep the brain sharp, two new studies reveal.
In a study of how beta-carotene affects the brain, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, examined two groups of healthy men.
The first group of 4,052 men took 50 mg of beta-carotene every other day or a low-dose aspirin placebo for an average of 18 years. The second group of 1,904 men took beta-carotene or a placebo for less than 10 years.
After age 65, doctors tested how accurately and quickly the men recognized, remembered and verbalized, and found no significant differences compared to placebo in the 10-year group. But those who had taken beta-carotene for an average of 18 years had significantly better memory, recognition and verbal skills than placebo.
Doctors noted that even small differences in how well the brain works, especially verbal memory, predict large differences in risk for dementias such as Alzheimer’s later on in life, and that supplementing long-term with beta-carotene may substantially improve public health.
In a study of carotenoids and the brain on 1,300 healthy French men and women in their 70s, doctors discovered that those who had low levels of lycopene and zeaxanthin tended to perform mental tasks poorly.
Researchers tested how quickly and accurately participants recognized, remembered, verbalized, visualized and made coordinated hand movements. Study authors don’t know which came first, the low carotenoid levels or the brain problems, but said that the results suggest that carotenoids do help keep the brain healthy and working well.
Many previous studies show that zeaxanthin protects eyesight, but this is the first study to link zeaxanthin with the brain.

The Physicians’ Health Study II – Archives of Internal Medicine: 2007; Vol. 167, No. 20, 2184-90.

Phytochemicals Boost Immunity

Phytochemicals boost immunity

Nutrients from plants called phytochemicals increased white blood cells and reduced cell damage and illness in a new study.
Researchers gave 59 healthy law students capsules that contained a powdered fruit and vegetable juice concentrate or a placebo for 77 days. They found that compared to placebo blood levels of an immune-boosting white blood cell, gamma delta-T, increased 30% and that there was 40% less damage to other white blood cells (lymphocytes).
Compared to placebo, blood-fluid (plasma) levels of the antioxidants beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and vitamin C were 50% higher and symptoms of illness were significantly lower.
J Nutr. 2006;136(10): 2606-10.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

carotene and Health

The benefits of carotenoids are as follows.... A good fighter of infections and diseases, being vital to a healthy immune system. It can also prevent heart disease. It's also believed to prevent diabetes and reduce the complications from it. Various forms of cancer can be reduced, including breast cancer.

Eyesight is protected and the ageing process of the brain is slowed too. 

Beta carotene is the star player of the carotenoid family. Why? Because the body is able to split a molecule of beta-carotene in half to form two molecules of vitamin A. It is considered a very safe form of vitamin A because, cleverly, the body only performs this splitting when required. 

It has been discovered that beta-carotene is a very effective antioxidant,especially in protecting against the reactive oxygen species called singlet oxygen.

If you stick to a diet with varied colourful fruits and vegetables, you probably get plenty of carotenoids. People at risk of certain conditions may benefit from extra amounts of some. 

Finally, in a U.S. study scientists looked at the effects of beta-carotene (which the body converts into vitamin A) supplements taken by men. The results were that those men who took the supplements for 15 years (or longer), have better functioning memory and other brain skills.

This research only goes to provide more evidence that antioxidants can stave off diseases of aging such as Alzheimer's.

Beta-carotene is used to treat skin problems

Beta-carotene is used to treat skin problems caused by sun exposure. Some people have conditions in which swelling, redness, itching, and pain occur after being in the sun. Typically this is the result of excessive free radical damage due to a cellular problem. Beta-carotene supplementation helps alleviate these symptoms by protecting cells from damage.

Carotenoids = cancer prevention

Benefits of Carotenoids

In addition to their role in cancer prevention, the carotenes offer us protection from heart disease, too. Again, it's their antioxidant behavior that protects the lining of the arteries and the fats in the blood from free radicals' oxidative damage. And age-related macular degeneration of the eye, which leads to vision loss, may be counteracted by carotenes' antioxidant power.

Carotenes ,support immune function , improve the communication between cells

Carotenes, like vitamin A, support immune function, but in a different way. They stimulate the production of special white blood cells that help determine overall immune status. They improve the communication between cells, too, which results in fewer cell mutations. White blood cells attack bacteriaviruses, cancer cells, and yeast. Women with high levels of carotenes in their blood tend to have fewer incidences of vaginal yeast infections.

Carotenoid = bahaya ?

excess carotenoids accumulate in the fat just beneath the skin. If you eat a lot of carotene-rich foods, you may notice a yellowing of your skin, especially on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. This is generally considered to be harmless,

Carotenoids: The Anti-Aging Antioxidants

A diet rich in carotenoids offers these specific benefits:

  • enhanced function of the immune system
  • better cardiovascular health
  • increased strength and endurance
  • decreased recovery time from exercise
  • reduced pain and inflammation and better joint function
  • relief from carpal tunnel and repetitive-stress injuries
  • relief from symptoms of both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis
  • improved prostate function and prevent prostate cancer
  • prevention and relief from symptoms of diabetes
  • healthier eyesight
  • prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration
  • protection against UV radiation from the sun
  • beneficial effect on male and female fertility

Carotenoids = healthy life

Carotenoids are the pigments that give fruit and vegetables their rich red, orange and yellow colours. More than 600 have been identified in foods, though so far only about six are thought to be significantly important to health. Besides beta-carotene, which is probably the best-known carotenoid, these include alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin.
The primary benefit of carotenoids lies in their antioxidant potential. Antioxidants are compounds that protect your body’s cells from damage by unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals. Carotenoids guard against certain types of cancer, apparently by limiting the abnormal growth of cells. For instance, lycopene appears to inhibit prostate cancer formation. Researchers at Harvard University found that men who ate 10 or more servings a week of tomato-based foods – tomatoes being the richest dietary source of lycopene – cut their risk of prostate cancer by nearly 45 per cent. In addition, carotenoids fight heart disease by blocking the formation of LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) which leads to heart attacks. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin both reduce the risk of macular degeneration (MD).
If you don’t eat a wide variety of foods rich in carotenoids, such as dark green vegetables (the green chlorophyll masks their yellow-orange pigments), pumpkin, carrots, red capsicums, red grapefruit, mangoes, oranges and peaches, a supplement may be a smart idea. Some experts suggest that carotenoid supplements be taken with foods that contain a bit of fat, as this enhances absorption. Note that too-large doses of carotenoids can make your skin turn orange, especially the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. High doses should not be taken without professional supervision.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Carotenoid with Potential in Human Health and Nutrition

Astaxanthin (1), a red-orange carotenoid pigment, is a powerful biological antioxidant that occurs naturally in a wide variety of living organisms. The potent antioxidant property of 1 has been implicated in its various biological activities demonstrated in both experimental animals and clinical studies.

6 Jenis Carotenoid yang manusia tak boleh hasilkan !

Product Yang Akan Mengubah Kesihatan Anda !

Naturally Plus two strong Products (S. LUTEIN and IZUMIO) achieved number one selling products for the year 2008 & 2009. 

Ever since their launch, S. LUTEIN and IZUMIO have been widely acclaimed by members and, as a result, elevated to the status of ‘Leading Brands’ in Japan’s similar industry marketplace. Thus, this is the best testimonial for both S. LUTEIN and IZUMIO.

Henceforth, through the paramount sales of both S. LUTEIN and IZUMIONaturally Plus will continue to promote its Corporate Philosophy “3 types of wellbeing”, offering you the opportunity to attain ‘Physical and psychological wellbeing as the key to enduring radiance’, ‘Financial wellbeing as the key to a comfortable and affluent life’ and ‘Social wellbeing as the key to fulfilling and enjoyable fellowships’. We wish to share those authentic values with the rest of the world and at the same time strengthen Naturally Plus’ corporate values.

We take 
‘Grasp your well-being and happiness at Naturally Plus as our corporate vision, with the aim of creating a society in which radiance, prosperity and pleasure are available to everyone.

Inspired by the sales record of S. LUTEIN and IZUMIO, we will do our utmost to improve the product quality and thus enhance Naturally Plus’ brand value.

is compared and calculated against the shipment amount of similar supplements which contain lutein in the domestic market of Japan. [IZUMIO] Apart from hydrogen generator, is compared and calculated against the shipment amount of similar products in the domestic market of Japan. Research conducted by Yano Research Institute Ltd. (As of 2010 August)

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

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Top Performer Bulan September 2011 Kak Ate ( Sunarti )

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Thursday, September 29, 2011