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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
得曾看過一篇文章,作者提到:他剛從軍中退伍時,只有高中學歷, 無一技之長,只好到一家印刷廠,擔任「送貨員」。一天,這年輕人 將一整車四、五十捆的書,送到某大學的七樓辦公室;當他先把兩三 捆的書扛到電梯口等候時,一位五十多歲的警衛走過來,說:「這電 梯是給教授、老師搭乘的,其他人一律都不准搭,你必須走樓梯!」
年輕人向警衛解釋:「我不是學生,我是要送一整車的書到七樓辦公 室,這是你們學校訂的書啊!」
可是警衛一臉無情的說:「不行就是不行,你不是教授,不是老師, 不准搭電! 梯!」兩人在電梯口吵半天,但警衛依然不予放行,年輕人心想,這 一車的書,要搬完,至少要來回走七層樓梯二十多趟,會累死人的!
後來,年輕人無法忍受這「無理的刁難」,就心一橫,把四、五十捆 書搬放在大廳角落,不顧一切的走人。年輕人向印刷廠老闆解釋事情 原委,獲得諒解,但也向老闆辭職,並且立刻到書局買整套高中教材 和參考書,含淚發誓,我一定要奮發圖強,考上大學,我絕不再讓別 人「瞧不起」。
這年輕人在聯考前半年,天天閉門苦讀十四個小時,因為他知道,他 的時間不多了,他已無退路可走,每當他偷懶、懈怠時,腦中就想起 「警衛不准他搭電梯」被羞辱、歧視的一幕,也就打起精神、加倍努 力用功。後來,這年輕人終於考上某大學醫學院。如今,二十多年過 去了,他也變成一家開業診所的中年醫生,然而,他靜心一想,當時 ,要不是「警衛無理刁難和歧視」,他怎能從屈辱中擦乾眼淚、勇敢 站起來?
而那位被他痛恨的警衛,不也是他一生中的恩人嗎?經國先生曾說: 「失意時需要忍,得意時需要淡。」的確,人,都有失意,不順遂的 時候,然而,我更相信!「挫折是年輕人最好的禮物!」
人只有在遇挫折,被他人百般刁難、岐視、嘲諷時,才能「打醒自己 」,讓自己被「當頭棒喝」而驚醒過來!這豈不是一生中最珍貴的禮 物?因此,
如果現在的挫折,能帶給你未來幸福,請忍受它。如果現在的快樂, 會帶給你未來不幸,請拋棄它。「生命中的每個挫折、每個傷痛、每 個打擊,都有它的意義。」祝福大家都能夠突破自己所不能突破的難 關。
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hotel Orckid Melaka Penuh Dengan Orang 26th June 2011
Kerja Sama dengan Syarikat Naturally Plus. Kali Pertama Kita Buat Event Kat Melaka dengan Surprisenya Kita dapat sambutan baik daripada penduduk Melaka.
Warga-warga Melaka anda paling best dalam bisnes kita.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Asia confronts the challenge of inflation
ASIA is finally waking up to its inflation challenge. Recent weeks have seen a further round of monetary tightening, with a succession of central banks raising interest rates or taking other measures to put a cap on rising prices.
India, in particular, has taken tougher action than before with a large rate hike, whilst others such as China have again pushed up reserve requirements.
The policy challenge is never easy. Is this a case of too little, too late: taking action after inflation has already taken off and when there are expectations of more to come? Or is it, too much, too soon - as there are tentative signs the world economy has started to slow, in turn taking the heat out of commodity markets, with food and energy prices easing off?
The world is two years into an economic recovery. But in many places it doesn't feel that way. This recovery has been led by emerging economies and by policy easing in the West. But, it is a divided and disconnected world, as different growth prospects, high rates of unemployment and recent problems in North Africa and the Middle East testify. And it is a world of policy dilemmas. In the West, where economies are fragile, a double-dip recession is the fear. Across Asia, and large parts of the emerging world, the risks are on the upside: inflation.
The inflation challenge is greater in Asia for many reasons. Last year the region grew strongly, and the slack in Asian economies is far less than in the West. Strong domestic demand allows retailers and producers the opportunity to pass on higher costs and to sustain or boost their margins by raising prices.
While this is a concern, rising wages and good labour market conditions are allowing people to pay higher prices. This is akin to a wage-price spiral, albeit in the early stages, but it can get out of hand if not addressed quickly enough. Then there is the very issue of food and energy prices. Higher prices of these staples hit hard into spending and can cause problems, in particular for the poor and those on low incomes.
Thus, in many countries, there are complex subsidies in place, on areas such as food, fertiliser and fuel. These subsidies need to be phased out, but it is difficult politically to do this. Although subsidies may ease the pain for some, they complicate the inflation picture, and often add to it.
To these domestic inflation drivers, there is the additional challenge for Asia and for many emerging regions of how to cope with capital inflows. This came to the fore as an issue last year, when money flooded in.
Although less of a concern this year, this may soon change. This has been called 'America's year' by some investors, as the third year of a Presidential term is often good for the US equity market. That optimism has been enhanced by the additional stimulus measures America received at the start of this year.
But now, as policy stimulus wears off, and as debt still needs to be repaid, greater challenges lie ahead. Add in the debt crisis overhanging parts of Europe, and it is easy to see why capital may start flowing back to emerging economies. This suggests that the problem of how to absorb capital inflows will again become a key concern for Asia.
Often challenges are most apparent in property prices. When money flows in from overseas, it seeks out a home, and all too often this is in equities, or in real estate, adding to existing domestic pressures.
A recent analysis by Standard Chartered of Asian property prices shows the pressure points. That study used the idea of traffic lights to put countries into green, amber and red categories. For those in red, prices are already too hot, and policymakers must stop them. Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing top this "property bubble-o-metre".
For Hong Kong and Singapore, this reflects the focus of both economies on the exchange rate, resulting in interest rates being too low for domestic needs. Thus, in both places, there is increased use of macro-prudential measures.
These are targeted policies aimed at curbing property prices and can include, amongst others, controls on loan-to-value ratios and curbs on buying multiple properties. China, too, is making use of such measures, as it faces an inflation challenge in its first-tier cities. Hence, this year, China is experimenting with property taxes. Overall, though, property prices across China are in the amber territory, as indeed they are in many countries across the region.
Thus Asia faces inflation challenges on two fronts: in asset prices, especially in property and equities; and in general terms, across the whole economy, impacting everyone.
Central banks across the emerging world need to avoid the lethal combination of cheap money, leverage and one-way expectations. If they don't, inflation could take off, initially in property but then across the wider economy. This justifies recent policy tightening. It also supports the case for stronger Asian currencies, as economic fundamentals are good and as a way of curbing imported inflation.
While there are many reasons to be positive about emerging market prospects, nothing can, or should, be taken for granted. The business cycle exists. Setbacks can occur. One fear has been the setback from high oil prices. This oil shock has hit relatively early in the cycle, when profit margins are high and monetary policy is not already tight, so there is ample scope for economies to cope.
Asia should not underestimate the inflation risks from recent strong growth and the possible fall-out. Europe's failure to cope with the oil price shock in the early 1970s was followed by a prolonged period of stagnation, in which economies underperformed.
For Asia, the message should be clear. All of these longer-term issues count for nothing if macro-economic policy does not confront the immediate challenges ahead: and the most important of those is the need to address inflation. Although there is further to go, recent actions by central banks suggest Asia is moving in the right direction.
India, in particular, has taken tougher action than before with a large rate hike, whilst others such as China have again pushed up reserve requirements.
The policy challenge is never easy. Is this a case of too little, too late: taking action after inflation has already taken off and when there are expectations of more to come? Or is it, too much, too soon - as there are tentative signs the world economy has started to slow, in turn taking the heat out of commodity markets, with food and energy prices easing off?
The world is two years into an economic recovery. But in many places it doesn't feel that way. This recovery has been led by emerging economies and by policy easing in the West. But, it is a divided and disconnected world, as different growth prospects, high rates of unemployment and recent problems in North Africa and the Middle East testify. And it is a world of policy dilemmas. In the West, where economies are fragile, a double-dip recession is the fear. Across Asia, and large parts of the emerging world, the risks are on the upside: inflation.
The inflation challenge is greater in Asia for many reasons. Last year the region grew strongly, and the slack in Asian economies is far less than in the West. Strong domestic demand allows retailers and producers the opportunity to pass on higher costs and to sustain or boost their margins by raising prices.
While this is a concern, rising wages and good labour market conditions are allowing people to pay higher prices. This is akin to a wage-price spiral, albeit in the early stages, but it can get out of hand if not addressed quickly enough. Then there is the very issue of food and energy prices. Higher prices of these staples hit hard into spending and can cause problems, in particular for the poor and those on low incomes.
Thus, in many countries, there are complex subsidies in place, on areas such as food, fertiliser and fuel. These subsidies need to be phased out, but it is difficult politically to do this. Although subsidies may ease the pain for some, they complicate the inflation picture, and often add to it.
To these domestic inflation drivers, there is the additional challenge for Asia and for many emerging regions of how to cope with capital inflows. This came to the fore as an issue last year, when money flooded in.
Although less of a concern this year, this may soon change. This has been called 'America's year' by some investors, as the third year of a Presidential term is often good for the US equity market. That optimism has been enhanced by the additional stimulus measures America received at the start of this year.
But now, as policy stimulus wears off, and as debt still needs to be repaid, greater challenges lie ahead. Add in the debt crisis overhanging parts of Europe, and it is easy to see why capital may start flowing back to emerging economies. This suggests that the problem of how to absorb capital inflows will again become a key concern for Asia.
Often challenges are most apparent in property prices. When money flows in from overseas, it seeks out a home, and all too often this is in equities, or in real estate, adding to existing domestic pressures.
A recent analysis by Standard Chartered of Asian property prices shows the pressure points. That study used the idea of traffic lights to put countries into green, amber and red categories. For those in red, prices are already too hot, and policymakers must stop them. Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing top this "property bubble-o-metre".
For Hong Kong and Singapore, this reflects the focus of both economies on the exchange rate, resulting in interest rates being too low for domestic needs. Thus, in both places, there is increased use of macro-prudential measures.
These are targeted policies aimed at curbing property prices and can include, amongst others, controls on loan-to-value ratios and curbs on buying multiple properties. China, too, is making use of such measures, as it faces an inflation challenge in its first-tier cities. Hence, this year, China is experimenting with property taxes. Overall, though, property prices across China are in the amber territory, as indeed they are in many countries across the region.
Thus Asia faces inflation challenges on two fronts: in asset prices, especially in property and equities; and in general terms, across the whole economy, impacting everyone.
Central banks across the emerging world need to avoid the lethal combination of cheap money, leverage and one-way expectations. If they don't, inflation could take off, initially in property but then across the wider economy. This justifies recent policy tightening. It also supports the case for stronger Asian currencies, as economic fundamentals are good and as a way of curbing imported inflation.
While there are many reasons to be positive about emerging market prospects, nothing can, or should, be taken for granted. The business cycle exists. Setbacks can occur. One fear has been the setback from high oil prices. This oil shock has hit relatively early in the cycle, when profit margins are high and monetary policy is not already tight, so there is ample scope for economies to cope.
Asia should not underestimate the inflation risks from recent strong growth and the possible fall-out. Europe's failure to cope with the oil price shock in the early 1970s was followed by a prolonged period of stagnation, in which economies underperformed.
For Asia, the message should be clear. All of these longer-term issues count for nothing if macro-economic policy does not confront the immediate challenges ahead: and the most important of those is the need to address inflation. Although there is further to go, recent actions by central banks suggest Asia is moving in the right direction.
- Business Times
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Chemistry, Distribution, and Metabolism of Tomato Carotenoids and Their Impact on Human Health
Chemistry, Distribution, and Metabolism of Tomato Carotenoids and Their Impact on Human Health
* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN), University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 and
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Moran Eye Center, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
Recent epidemiological studies have suggested that the consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based food products reduce the risk of prostate cancer in humans. This protective effect has been attributed to carotenoids, which are one of the major classes of phytochemicals in this fruit. The most abundant carotenoid in tomato is lycopene, followed by phytoene, phytofluene,
-carotene, β-carotene, neurosporene, and lutein. The distribution of lycopene and related carotenoids in tomatoes and tomato-based food products has been determined by extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-UV/Visible photodiode array detection. Detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of human serum, milk, and organs, particularly prostate, have revealed the presence of all the aforementioned carotenoids in biologically significant concentrations. Two oxidative metabolites of lycopene, 2,6-cyclolycopene-1,5-diols A and B, which are only present in tomatoes in extremely low concentrations, have been isolated and identified in human serum, milk, organs (liver, lung, breast, liver, prostate, colon) and skin. Carotenoids may also play an important role in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and other blinding disorders. Among 25 dietary carotenoids and nine metabolites routinelyfound in human serum, mainly (3R,3'R,6'R)-lutein, (3R,3'R)-zeaxanthin, lycopene, and their metabolites were detected in ocular tissues. In this review we identified and quantified the complete spectrum of carotenoids from pooled human retinal pigment epithelium, ciliary body, iris, lens, and in the uveal tract and in other tissues of the human eye to gain a better insight into the metabolic pathways of ocular carotenoids. Although (3R,3'R,6'R)-lutein,(3R,3'R)-zeaxanthin, and their metabolites constitute the major carotenoids in human ocular tissues, lycopene and a wide range of dietary carotenoids have been detected in high concentrations in ciliary body and retinal pigment epithelium. The possible role of lycopene and other dietary carotenoids in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration and other eye diseases is discussed.
Keywords: Age-related macular degeneration, antioxidants, cancer chemoprevention, carotenoids in human plasma and tissues, carotenoid oxidation, chronic disease prevention, food carotenoids, hydrocarbon carotenoids, carotenoid metabolites, lycopene, lycopene metabolites
1 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN), University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.
Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals
Nature Medicine 13, 688 - 694 (2007)
Published online: 7 May 2007 | doi:10.1038/nm1577
Published online: 7 May 2007 | doi:10.1038/nm1577
Ikuroh Ohsawa1, Masahiro Ishikawa1, Kumiko Takahashi1, Megumi Watanabe1,2, Kiyomi Nishimaki1, Kumi Yamagata1, Ken-ichiro Katsura2, Yasuo Katayama2, Sadamitsu Asoh1 & Shigeo Ohta1
Acute oxidative stress induced by ischemia-reperfusion or inflammation causes serious damage to tissues, and persistent oxidative stress is accepted as one of the causes of many common diseases including cancer. We show here that hydrogen (H2) has potential as an antioxidant in preventive and therapeutic applications. We induced acute oxidative stress in cultured cells by three independent methods. H2 selectively reduced the hydroxyl radical, the most cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and effectively protected cells; however, H2 did not react with other ROS, which possess physiological roles. We used an acute rat model in which oxidative stress damage was induced in the brain by focal ischemia and reperfusion. The inhalation of H2 gas markedly suppressed brain injury by buffering the effects of oxidative stress. Thus H2 can be used as an effective antioxidant therapy; owing to its ability to rapidly diffuse across membranes, it can reach and react with cytotoxic ROS and thus protect against oxidative damage.
- Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, 1-396 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City 211-8533, Japan.
- Department of Internal Medicine, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8602, Japan.
Correspondence to: Shigeo Ohta1 e-mail:
Monday, June 13, 2011
2011年06月14日 - 我來也肉乾被令全國下架 - 國內 - 星洲日報
2011年06月14日 - 我來也肉乾被令全國下架 - 國內 - 星洲日報
Sunday, June 12, 2011
10 Tips for Public Speaking
How to find your confidence.
Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
- Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say.
- Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.
- Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers.
- Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
- Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.
- Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence.
- Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you.
- Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem – the audience probably never noticed it.
- Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.
- Gain experience. Mainly, your speech should represent you — as an authority and as a person. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need in a safe and friendly environment.
The 10 Commandments of Communication
How to speak like a leader.
By Michael Landrum, ATMB
By Michael Landrum, ATMB
- Listen generously. Emerson said: “First seek to understand, then to be understood.” How do you listen to an audience? Do your research. Find out who they are, what they need and want, and what they expect from you. When you step to the lectern, pause and listen. Are they ready to hear you? During your speech, keep listening. Pay attention to them. Are they leaning forward, backward or on each other? Be willing to depart from your prepared remarks to recover your rapport with them. Ask questions. Even something as simple as “Is that clear?” can reestablish contact.
- Say what you mean and mean what you say. Aren’t these two phrases the same? No indeed: “Say what you mean” is about telling the truth, “Mean what you say” is about making a commitment, keeping your promise, honoring your word. Have something meaningful to say. Step to the lectern with the intention of making a difference to your audience.
- Use the fewest words with the fewest syllables. I run afoul of this one all the time. It’s the main reason I rewrite so often, looking for big, two-dollar words I can swap for a single 10-cent syllable. Delete therefore, insert so. That’s real economy in writing. Remember that the basic unit of communication is not the word but the idea.
- Align with your audience. We may consider it our task to speak to the audience, but it is sometimes more important to speak for them. Express those thoughts and feelings that you share with them. Even if you think they are wrong and you are the advocate of sweeping change, you must first understand and articulate their feelings. Great leaders know that leadership begins with the pronoun we.
- Be specific. Use stories, anecdotes, parables and examples rather than generalities and abstractions. This is a tough one for some people. They love to wander through a topic in the abstract, scattering generalities as they go. The great teachers and speakers pepper their talks with vivid, detailed examples. “He seemed upset as he left” is general. “He blew his nose, kicked the dog and slammed the door” is specific.
- Suit the action to the word, the word to the action. Don’t say “I’m glad to be here” while looking at your wristwatch. Be aware of your non-verbal communication. Your gestures, posture, facial expressions, energy, tone of voice, and a thousand other tiny, unuttered elements actually carry the true and specific meaning of your communication. We can understand the words “I love you” well enough. But their true importance, their actual meaning, is all wrapped up in how they are spoken, and by whom.
- Structure your speech. One valuable way to make your talk memorable is to speak to a structure and make your listeners aware of it. Share with them the form of your thoughts as well as the content and they will be able to follow more complex ideas. It will be easier for you to remember, too. People appreciate the scenery more with a glance at the road map every now and then.
- Speak to be understood. Have the courtesy to develop your voice so that all may hear you. You groom your appearance, so why not cultivate your voice? With a little effort it can be strong, crisp, clear and various in texture, color and range. It’s sad when speakers expend their energy to create a vivid, well-constructed talk and then whisper, mutter or mumble.
- Speak for the benefit of others. Serve your audience well by keeping their interests foremost in your mind. This is the golden rule of speaking. As an audience member you can easily tell when a speaker is self-serving. Nothing communicates more clearly than intention.
- Speak from your highest self. The highest self is where hope resides. To lead effectively requires a courageous, positive, optimistic view. As any astronaut will tell you, if you get high enough you will be in perpetual sunshine. There must be a caveat attached to this rule, however: Beware of elevating yourself with a high horse. Be humble. Having an opinion is a meager accomplishment. On most occasions a modest demeanor improves communication.
Michael Landrum, ATMB, is a speaker, coach and writer in New York.
myMetroKenali asma
myMetroKenali asma: "Kenali asma
Kebarangkalian kanak-kanak mendapat asma antara usia 0 hingga 14 tahun sebanyak 4.5 peratus manakala bagi orang dewasa berusia 15 tahun ke atas ialah 4.1 peratus.
Bagi kanak-kanak yang menghidapi asma sederhana, serangan hilang apabila mencapai usia 12 hingga 13 tahun. Manakala 50 hingga 60 peratus sembuh apabila mencapai usia 20 hingga 25 tahun, sementara 20 peratus lagi mendapat asma berterusan dan hanya sebilangan kecil sembuh.
Menyedari pentingnya membanteras penyakit itu, terutama di kalangan kanak-kanak, syarikat penjagaan kesihatan pengguna dan farmaseutikal, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) memperkenalkan Fluticasone propianate iaitu alat sedut dos bermeter yang mempunyai kesan nyata atasi anti keradangan dalam paru-paru.
Alat sedutan yang boleh didapati dalam dos 50 mikro gram itu dikhaskan bagi kanak-kanak penghidap asma berusia setahun ke atas yang dapat mengurangkan gejala dan eksaserbasi asma pesakit yang sebelumnya dirawat menggunakan bronkodilator atau terapi propilaktik lain.
“Asma adalah penyakit kronik paling kerap berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak. Senario ini berlaku di semua negara tanpa mengambil kira tahap pembangunan,” kata Pengerusi Majlis Asma Malaysia, Dr Norzila Mohamed Zainudin.
Tambahnya, kebanyakan pesakit asma ada keperluan berkaitan penyakit yang belum ditemui, seterusnya menyebabkan tahap kawalan asma lemah yang mungkin disebabkan perbezaan tanggapan mengenai kawalan penyakit itu dan sasaran rawatan oleh pesakit dan pakar perubatan masing-masing.
“Secara am, pesakit hanya mahu sembuh dan mengelak gangguan dalam kegiatan sosial mereka, manakala pakar perubatan menekankan keperluan mengurangkan keradangan salur udara dan responsi keterlaluan bagi mencapai pengawalan asma,” katanya.
“Ini penting bagi kanak-kanak penghidap asma untuk mengurangkan pemodelan semula salur udara yang mungkin menyebabkan gangguan tetap salur udara apabila dewasa,” katanya.
Ubat asma terbahagi kepada dua iaitu kelegaan dan kawalan. Ubat kelegaan mempunyai kesan jangka pendek yang boleh membantu menghentikan gejala yang menyerang manakala ubat kawalan membantu mengawal asma bagi sesetengah tempoh dengan mengurangkan keradangan dan mukus pada salur udara.
Sementara itu, Pengurus Perhubungan Perubatan GSK, Dr Thravin G Nathan berkata, penyakit asma kecil boleh menyebabkan morbiditi tinggi, terutama pada tempoh apabila ia kurang dikawal.
“Ia menyebabkan gangguan kepada aktiviti harian normal dan pendidikan, seterusnya membebankan keluarga kanak-kanak penghidap asma. GSK komited meningkatkan pengurusan dan rawatan asma lebih berkesan dengan menyediakan terapi kawalan peringkat pertama bagi kanak-kanak dan dewasa.
“Kajian secara double-blind plasebo terkawal selama enam bulan yang dijalankan terhadap 34 kanak-kanak berusia enam hingga 24 bulan menunjukkan keberkesanan dan ia selamat digunakan,” katanya.
Soalan Lazim:
Apa itu asma?
Asma adalah penyakit alahan yang mengganggu saluran udara (bronkus). Ketika berlaku tindak balas alahan, bronkus menjadi sempit dan dipenuhi lendir. Ini menyebabkan kesesakan nafas. Serangan asma boleh menakutkan anak kerana perasaan lemas menyebabkan anak panik dan ini membuat pernafasan semakin sukar.
Punca awal menyebabkan alahan, iaitu alergen seperti debunga atau habuk rumah, yang biasanya dibawa oleh angin. Bagi anak menghidap asma, tekanan emosi dan senaman boleh menyebabkan serangan.
Asma biasanya menyerang kanak-kanak berumur dua tahun ke atas. Keadaan ini biasanya masalah keturunan dan disusuli penyakit alahan lain seperti ekzema. Namun, kebanyakan kanak-kanak pulih semakin umur meningkat.
Kebanyakan bayi berumur kurang satu tahun mempunyai bunyi nafas berdehit jika menghidap bronkitis. Ini berlaku apabila saluran udaranya yang kecil menjadi radang.
Adakah keadaan ini serius?
Serangan asma mungkin menakutkan tetapi jika diberi ubat dan nasihat doktor diikuti, anak anda tidak akan menghadapi kerumitan.
l Tanda-tanda
1. Sesak nafas
2. Rasa lemas
3. Bunyi nafas yang berdehit
4. Batuk yang berterusan
5. Bibir kelihatan biru (sianosis) disebabkan kekurangan oksigen
Tindakan perlu dilalukan?
Segera bawa anak berjumpa doktor apabila mengalami asma. Jika ia berlaku ketika anak tidur, dudukkan dan sokong belakangnya dengan bantal. Anda juga boleh tundukkan anak di atas kerusi dan lengannya diletakkan pada belakang kerusi supaya beban pada dadanya diringankan. Ini membolehkan otot dada mengeluarkan udara dengan lebih cekap.
Cuba bertenang kerana keresahan hanya membuat anak anda lebih takut. Ketika menunggu doktor, cuba alihkan perhatian anak kepada benda lain, misalnya nyanyikan lagu bagi membantu anak melupakan keadaan nafasnya yang berdehit.
Apakah tindakan doktor?
Doktor mungkin mengesyorkan penggunaan bronkodilator untuk membuka bronkus dengan mengendurkan otot. Dadah ini disedut terus dalam bronkus. Serangan yang teruk mungkin memerlukan rawatan hospital dan dos lebih tinggi diberikan secara sedutan atau titisan intravena.
Jika ada tanda jangkitan dada, antibiotik mungkin disyorkan. Doktor akan menerangkan cara menghalang serangan akan datang dan mungkin menentukan alergen sama ada melalui ujian bagi alergen tertentu seperti debunga dan habuk rumah.
Doktor akan memberi bekalan kecil dadah bronkodilator, sama ada dalam bentuk cecair atau kapsul untuk dimasukkan ke dalam penyedut. Ini harus diambil sebaik serangan bermula. Doktor akan menasihatkan anda supaya memberitahunya jika anak mengalami serangan teruk atau jika serangan tidak reda walaupun anak diberi dua dos bronkodilator.
Doktor mungkin mengesyorkan dadah steroid jika langkah lain tidak dapat menghalang serangan berikutnya. Dos steroid rendah mungkin perlu disedut tiga atau empat kali sehari atau jika tindakan ini tidak berkesan, dos lebih tinggi diberi dalam bentuk pil.
Bagaimana saya boleh membantu?
Jika doktor gagal menentukan alergen, cuba tentukan sendiri dan catat bila serangan berlaku dan waktunya. Pastikan rumah bebas daripada alergen biasa seperti kekabu selain gunakan pembersih vakum untuk membersihkan habuk di rumah.
Kebanyakan pesakit asma alah terhadap haiwan. Jika anda memelihara haiwan kesayangan, minta bantuan rakan menjaganya selama beberapa minggu bagi menentukan sama ada kekerapan serangan asma anak anda berkurangan.
Pastikan anak membawa ubat setiap masa. Maklumkan kepada pihak berkuasa sekolah mengenai kemungkinan serangan ini berlaku dan rujuk kepada pakar fisioterapi supaya anak anda boleh mempelajari cara bernafas untuk membantunya menenangkan diri ketika berlaku serangan.
Galakkan anak duduk atau berdiri tegak supaya paru-parunya mempunyai lebih ruang. Jangan biarkan anak menjadi terlalu gemuk kerana ini membebankan paru-paru.
Senaman ringan membantu pernafasan anak tetapi latihan berat boleh membawa kepada serangan asma.
Selain latihan jasmani, syorkan anak anda memakai lencana ‘Medic Alert’.
PENYAKIT asma atau lelah adalah immunologi yang menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas. Ketika pesakit diserang asma, keradangan dan spasma pada selaput dinding laluan udara menyebabkan bronkiol di dalam paru-paru menjadi sempit.
Pesakit asma mungkin mengalami pernafasan bersiul (wheezing), sesak nafas dan sukar bersenam. Ketika otot kejang, saluran udara mengecil dan menghalang pernafasan, menyebabkan paru-paru berkurangan udara dan mengakibatkan pesakit boleh pengsan.
Penyakit ini boleh menyerang kanak-kanak mahupun orang dewasa. Menurut kajian, jumlah kanak-kanak diserang penyakit asma adalah 10 hingga 20 peratus dan biasanya ia tidak boleh diubati.
Pun begitu ia akan hilang dengan sendiri apabila kanak-kanak dewasa. Secara global, hampir 300 juta individu menghidap asma dan bilangan ini dijangka meningkat 100 juta lagi menjelang 2025.
Pun begitu ia akan hilang dengan sendiri apabila kanak-kanak dewasa. Secara global, hampir 300 juta individu menghidap asma dan bilangan ini dijangka meningkat 100 juta lagi menjelang 2025.
Kebarangkalian kanak-kanak mendapat asma antara usia 0 hingga 14 tahun sebanyak 4.5 peratus manakala bagi orang dewasa berusia 15 tahun ke atas ialah 4.1 peratus.
Bagi kanak-kanak yang menghidapi asma sederhana, serangan hilang apabila mencapai usia 12 hingga 13 tahun. Manakala 50 hingga 60 peratus sembuh apabila mencapai usia 20 hingga 25 tahun, sementara 20 peratus lagi mendapat asma berterusan dan hanya sebilangan kecil sembuh.
Menyedari pentingnya membanteras penyakit itu, terutama di kalangan kanak-kanak, syarikat penjagaan kesihatan pengguna dan farmaseutikal, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) memperkenalkan Fluticasone propianate iaitu alat sedut dos bermeter yang mempunyai kesan nyata atasi anti keradangan dalam paru-paru.
Alat sedutan yang boleh didapati dalam dos 50 mikro gram itu dikhaskan bagi kanak-kanak penghidap asma berusia setahun ke atas yang dapat mengurangkan gejala dan eksaserbasi asma pesakit yang sebelumnya dirawat menggunakan bronkodilator atau terapi propilaktik lain.
“Asma adalah penyakit kronik paling kerap berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak. Senario ini berlaku di semua negara tanpa mengambil kira tahap pembangunan,” kata Pengerusi Majlis Asma Malaysia, Dr Norzila Mohamed Zainudin.
Tambahnya, kebanyakan pesakit asma ada keperluan berkaitan penyakit yang belum ditemui, seterusnya menyebabkan tahap kawalan asma lemah yang mungkin disebabkan perbezaan tanggapan mengenai kawalan penyakit itu dan sasaran rawatan oleh pesakit dan pakar perubatan masing-masing.
“Secara am, pesakit hanya mahu sembuh dan mengelak gangguan dalam kegiatan sosial mereka, manakala pakar perubatan menekankan keperluan mengurangkan keradangan salur udara dan responsi keterlaluan bagi mencapai pengawalan asma,” katanya.
“Ini penting bagi kanak-kanak penghidap asma untuk mengurangkan pemodelan semula salur udara yang mungkin menyebabkan gangguan tetap salur udara apabila dewasa,” katanya.
Ubat asma terbahagi kepada dua iaitu kelegaan dan kawalan. Ubat kelegaan mempunyai kesan jangka pendek yang boleh membantu menghentikan gejala yang menyerang manakala ubat kawalan membantu mengawal asma bagi sesetengah tempoh dengan mengurangkan keradangan dan mukus pada salur udara.
Sementara itu, Pengurus Perhubungan Perubatan GSK, Dr Thravin G Nathan berkata, penyakit asma kecil boleh menyebabkan morbiditi tinggi, terutama pada tempoh apabila ia kurang dikawal.
“Ia menyebabkan gangguan kepada aktiviti harian normal dan pendidikan, seterusnya membebankan keluarga kanak-kanak penghidap asma. GSK komited meningkatkan pengurusan dan rawatan asma lebih berkesan dengan menyediakan terapi kawalan peringkat pertama bagi kanak-kanak dan dewasa.
“Kajian secara double-blind plasebo terkawal selama enam bulan yang dijalankan terhadap 34 kanak-kanak berusia enam hingga 24 bulan menunjukkan keberkesanan dan ia selamat digunakan,” katanya.
Soalan Lazim:
Asma adalah penyakit alahan yang mengganggu saluran udara (bronkus). Ketika berlaku tindak balas alahan, bronkus menjadi sempit dan dipenuhi lendir. Ini menyebabkan kesesakan nafas. Serangan asma boleh menakutkan anak kerana perasaan lemas menyebabkan anak panik dan ini membuat pernafasan semakin sukar.
Punca awal menyebabkan alahan, iaitu alergen seperti debunga atau habuk rumah, yang biasanya dibawa oleh angin. Bagi anak menghidap asma, tekanan emosi dan senaman boleh menyebabkan serangan.
Asma biasanya menyerang kanak-kanak berumur dua tahun ke atas. Keadaan ini biasanya masalah keturunan dan disusuli penyakit alahan lain seperti ekzema. Namun, kebanyakan kanak-kanak pulih semakin umur meningkat.
Kebanyakan bayi berumur kurang satu tahun mempunyai bunyi nafas berdehit jika menghidap bronkitis. Ini berlaku apabila saluran udaranya yang kecil menjadi radang.
Serangan asma mungkin menakutkan tetapi jika diberi ubat dan nasihat doktor diikuti, anak anda tidak akan menghadapi kerumitan.
l Tanda-tanda
1. Sesak nafas
2. Rasa lemas
3. Bunyi nafas yang berdehit
4. Batuk yang berterusan
5. Bibir kelihatan biru (sianosis) disebabkan kekurangan oksigen
Segera bawa anak berjumpa doktor apabila mengalami asma. Jika ia berlaku ketika anak tidur, dudukkan dan sokong belakangnya dengan bantal. Anda juga boleh tundukkan anak di atas kerusi dan lengannya diletakkan pada belakang kerusi supaya beban pada dadanya diringankan. Ini membolehkan otot dada mengeluarkan udara dengan lebih cekap.
Cuba bertenang kerana keresahan hanya membuat anak anda lebih takut. Ketika menunggu doktor, cuba alihkan perhatian anak kepada benda lain, misalnya nyanyikan lagu bagi membantu anak melupakan keadaan nafasnya yang berdehit.
Doktor mungkin mengesyorkan penggunaan bronkodilator untuk membuka bronkus dengan mengendurkan otot. Dadah ini disedut terus dalam bronkus. Serangan yang teruk mungkin memerlukan rawatan hospital dan dos lebih tinggi diberikan secara sedutan atau titisan intravena.
Jika ada tanda jangkitan dada, antibiotik mungkin disyorkan. Doktor akan menerangkan cara menghalang serangan akan datang dan mungkin menentukan alergen sama ada melalui ujian bagi alergen tertentu seperti debunga dan habuk rumah.
Doktor akan memberi bekalan kecil dadah bronkodilator, sama ada dalam bentuk cecair atau kapsul untuk dimasukkan ke dalam penyedut. Ini harus diambil sebaik serangan bermula. Doktor akan menasihatkan anda supaya memberitahunya jika anak mengalami serangan teruk atau jika serangan tidak reda walaupun anak diberi dua dos bronkodilator.
Doktor mungkin mengesyorkan dadah steroid jika langkah lain tidak dapat menghalang serangan berikutnya. Dos steroid rendah mungkin perlu disedut tiga atau empat kali sehari atau jika tindakan ini tidak berkesan, dos lebih tinggi diberi dalam bentuk pil.
Jika doktor gagal menentukan alergen, cuba tentukan sendiri dan catat bila serangan berlaku dan waktunya. Pastikan rumah bebas daripada alergen biasa seperti kekabu selain gunakan pembersih vakum untuk membersihkan habuk di rumah.
Kebanyakan pesakit asma alah terhadap haiwan. Jika anda memelihara haiwan kesayangan, minta bantuan rakan menjaganya selama beberapa minggu bagi menentukan sama ada kekerapan serangan asma anak anda berkurangan.
Pastikan anak membawa ubat setiap masa. Maklumkan kepada pihak berkuasa sekolah mengenai kemungkinan serangan ini berlaku dan rujuk kepada pakar fisioterapi supaya anak anda boleh mempelajari cara bernafas untuk membantunya menenangkan diri ketika berlaku serangan.
Galakkan anak duduk atau berdiri tegak supaya paru-parunya mempunyai lebih ruang. Jangan biarkan anak menjadi terlalu gemuk kerana ini membebankan paru-paru.
Senaman ringan membantu pernafasan anak tetapi latihan berat boleh membawa kepada serangan asma.
Selain latihan jasmani, syorkan anak anda memakai lencana ‘Medic Alert’.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Go To Gold By Raymond Phoon
Banyak Kita Belajar Dari Cikgu Raymond Phoon tentang ciri-ciri seorang Juru Jual yang handal. Pada masa yang sama, kita sangat seronok dengan cara presentasi beliau, kita tidak belajar tetapi terlibat secara aktif.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Four Ingredients of Success by Dr. Barret
Knowing your WHY is more important than knowing the HOW. I always tell the crowd whether giving them personal advise, financial or business related will all boils down to your WHYs. It should serve as a purpose, your goal, your mission before dong anything. And a goal without a deadline is just like a day-dreaming. This WHY will be your driving force, your guidance to reach where you want to go because along the way, there will be arrows of discouragements, frustrations, and weariness that will hit to pull you down---it's a choice.
Others call it sacrifices, others "delaying gratification" but whatever you may call is the attitude of perserverance in life. He will do anything whatever it takes, no IFs and EXCUSES..because it is clear to him what he really wants.
There is a saying "tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are"...If you want to be successful in anything BE with successful people. Get along with them. Learn from them and let them inspire you. Get some tips how they became successful, their stories that you may use as a tool against the winds of life you are sailing.
Set a deadline in each written goal. Know your priorities, from top to bottom.
Have a wonderful and enjoyable day ahead...stayblessed, inspire more people, help more to bring out the BEST in them, and be a channel of blessings in every way we can.
Your partner in success...cheers!!!
IZUMIO Campaign is extended! Now you can get LUTE samples, too!
Due to overwhelming response from members, the Izumio campaign will be extended while the stock last. This campaign will be valid for First Purchase Product as well as for delivery order.(*However, the free gifts can only be collected at salon)Get LUTE sample!
1+5 Plan Free 1 set of LUTE mini sample
1+11 Plan Free 2 sets of LUTE mini sampleCampaign period: 1st June (while the stock lasts)In the event of cancellation within cooling off period and/or conversion plan (Downgrade), return of the free sample is required.Limited 200 sets only!!Naturally Plus
1+11 Plan Free 2 sets of LUTE mini sample
Saturday Operation Starting 11th June
Naturally Plus Malaysia Kuala Lumpur salon will start operating
on Saturdays from 11th June 2011!
Operation hours: 12PM - 4PM
The salon will be closed on Public Holidays.
on Saturdays from 11th June 2011!
Operation hours: 12PM - 4PM
The salon will be closed on Public Holidays.
Naturally Plus
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